The meaning of a = b in object oriented languages(ruby-talk)


a = ["a", "b"]
b = a
a[0] = "z"
p a #=>["z", "b"]
p b #=>["z", "b"]

a = ["a", "b"]
b = a
a = ["aa"]
p a #=>["aa"]
p b #=>["a", "b"]

上の方により、「a=["a","b"]」を定義したときに、aは代入した配列自身を指すのではなく、その配列への参照を指すということが分かり。「a = b」としたときには、同じ配列への参照をa,bが持つということが分かる。

i think:
whenever in Ruby, Python, and Java,
a is never an object. a is always a "reference to an object"... this
will solve a lot of puzzles when we don't understand some code

when a writing or a book reads "a is a Hash object; a is an Array
object; or a is an Animal object" it is just a short form to say that
"a is a reference to that object."
b = a means "whatever a is referencing to, now b is referencing it
so that's why a[1] = "foobar" will change what b will display, but
a = "foobar" will not change what b will display. (because a[1] =
"foobar" says "what is a referencing? go there and change its
content that has the index 1" and when b goes there to see it, it is
also changed.)

英語だからと敬遠していたけど、読んでみると意外と意味が分かるし楽しい。 >ruby-talk