

. 動作 その後
this-process 渡されたコマンドを実行して もう一方のprocessが終わってなかったら殺す。
that-process sleepして もう一方のprocessが終わってなかったら殺す。
;(require 'cl)
(defvar spscwt-hooked-process nil)
(defvar spscwt-sentinel-function nil)

(defun spscwt-process-will-be-kill (that-process &optional this-buf)
  (lexical-let ((that that-process)
		(buf this-buf))
    (lambda (&rest args)
      (when (eq 'run (process-status that))
	(kill-process that))
      (when (and buf (get-buffer buf))
	(kill-buffer buf))
      (when spscwt-sentinel-function
	(funcall spscwt-sentinel-function)))))

(defun spscwt-set-mutual-dependent-process (this-process that-process &optional gensym-buf)
   (spscwt-process-will-be-kill that-process gensym-buf)))

(defun spscwt-gensym-buf (&optional buffer)
  (or buffer (format "%s" (gensym))))

(defun start-process-shell-command-with-timeout (sec name buf command &rest args)
  "start process with time-out. this function return called-process.
if BUFFER value is nil, then this function using gensym-buffer, 
this buffer will be killed when called-process ends"
  (let ((this-buf (spscwt-gensym-buf buf))
	(that-buf (spscwt-gensym-buf)))
    (let ((this-process
	   (apply 'start-process-shell-command name this-buf command args))
	   (start-process-shell-command that-buf that-buf (format "sleep %s" sec))))
      (spscwt-set-mutual-dependent-process this-process that-process (and (null buf) this-buf))
      (spscwt-set-mutual-dependent-process that-process this-process that-buf)

(defun shell-command-with-timeout (wait-sec command &optional output-buffer)
  "using start-process-shell-command-with-timeout (spscwt-hooked-process)"
  (lexical-let ((buf (or output-buffer "*Shell Command Output*")))
    (when (get-buffer buf)
      (with-current-buffer buf (erase-buffer)))
    (setq spscwt-sentinel-function
	  (lambda (&rest args) 
	    (set-window-start (display-buffer buf) 1)))
     (start-process-shell-command-with-timeout wait-sec buf buf command))))


(shell-command-with-timeout 1 "ls")
(shell-command-with-timeout 2 "for i in `seq 100`; do echo $i; sleep 0.1; done")
(shell-command-with-timeout 20 "for i in `seq 100`; do echo $i; sleep 0.01; done")